Wednesday, March 3, 2010

hi~ geng,friends,roommate,neighbor,group and so on..
mula2 nk post pe ek..

by the way..i will use this blog for all of you who are friend nd group lovesss kpop,jpop nd tpop..oh forgot..also my diaries..
sbnarnye xtaw nk watpew..da borink sgt ^_^ so, tringin jgk kongsi2 ngn kowang sume..
join taw..jgn x join..

by the way..i will make a multi language or words here..
kalu ade owg asing ke nk,wat la 2 bhase..senang nk paham..kalu paham la..
english pn..50-50 :P hehe

so........let's enjoy..!!

oh here..1st pic I've searched it..
terjumpa la kucing yg cumel ni..mngingatkn supaya sntiase senyum.. ^_____^

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