Friday, August 20, 2010

My NeW Crush!~ ^0^

>YES!! iTS ONEW LEADER~~ haha ^0<

>> wEll, dunnO why~ buT 1st i Liked him coz' suara Uniq gler~ nd LIKE his Killer Smile!~~ *eh~ yuna mmg senang ati nk ske2 snyuman org ni~haha ;P*
ok tgk ni~
>>+ tADAA!!

nmpk "coooolllllll jer~" hehe ;P

nd cHUAAAA this pic!! ^_________^

*CUTEEE NE???* >.<
sume2 comei2 mase ni~
actually da lame~ x post ni pn ok la~ hehe
see ya guys!! *comment2*


mashi_toma said...

aiyoo..sejak bila nih???? what happen tu our dongsaeng huh? jien?

ai_jiejin said...

haha- xtaw..
just 1st look cm *dup dap* hehe
dongsaeng?- no worry still like them all..
*chuaa~ ^o^*

マシトマ said...

hehe.. yola2.. jz like me.. love with a first sight..with cute taemin lol.. eh..what happen to our dongsaeng minho..kencana? hehe-

ai_jiejin said...

taemin?- cute too..
minho?still ok nd handsome now..
*hello hello*