HI~~ wahhh long time no see...^^ how's my fRiends?chinggu?Tomodachi?Pang yo?
Umm..These is about My Precious Present That I had.. I just want to Dedicate To all My lovely Friends b'coz Gave me anotheR sWeet~~ Memoir With Them..
So, Actually, These Presents about 2004 Until 2010 almost 8 Years. I still keep it Safe in My Room..hehe
First, From Aerin!
***Taun 2004 Ada PIc Die Skali..hoho mmg Cute giler.. ^^ thanks and rinduuu giler kat ko..
tak lama la nak mam nasi minyak ye~~ hehe
Second, From Fatehah!
*** PINK! haha actually I liked Pink Before..ske giler...masa fateha bagi nih die pon ske pink jugak.. :-P Thanks teha coz' still contact walaupon ko dah bgelar IBU cun! hehe
Third, From Mashitoma!
*** haa~ UNIQUE tak? Comei kan?coz' PINK~ hehe
umm..hadiah nih sekitar taun 2006 or 2007 camtuh.. (still ade kotak lagi.. ^^ woot woot)
Thanks a lot mashitoma!
Four, From Wawa Takizawa!
**ade lagi~hoho
***ade lagi ke??Right! another more..huhhu
****ade lagi?ade...tp bila da keluarkan dari kotak nih..hehe
*****Various type Wawa Gave me..hoho~ comei kan? Dari Girl Doll yang duk kat buaian tuh..Lepas tuh, Frame Photo bentuk LOve tuh..*pernah la letak "boy Pic kat situ"* haha kemudian, upside down time tuh..pada taun 2010 lampu neon nih..tuk mashitoma pon wawa bagi..masa tuh ktowang same2 kluar ke TS.. ^^ Thanks wa~ *cm nk nangis pon ade..huhu*
Lastly, From Nijun!
** comei kotak nih..sedey sangat mase nih..last ktowang jmpa kt TS..lpas mam sushi king! hehe
dalam nih kan ade~~~
***haa~ nih lah..TOUCHING GILER! about our spread LOVE kat-tun! ^^ nijun:kame
and me: jien > Thanks Nijun and also CD u gave me too..Love much!
(These All My Precious Friends And Present that I had and always Forever With me! Promise! )
***See ya For The Next Bufday Present! haha hoho ^0^
wahaha.. cun la.. tp.. mne bling2 yg toma bg.. gntung lg x? ^^
thanks cz simpan kotak tuh..pasni ley re-use untk hantaran lak haha..
ow ha'a la..haha
sbp die trlekat kt blik sblah..
nd lg 1 xdgr da die bbyi..
trlupe lak sat..hehe
tp ttap lg gntung.. ^^
uih..can I??
lol yaka.. ptot la.. cube u tiup msti bunyik kn xD
pe slh nyew wahaha..
nt I pon tharu ^^
tggi kot~ats kpala tuh~
kalo hayun tgn..maka akn sampai nd bunyik la die..^^
amboii..agk2 ar..
eh,toma xmo wat ker..presnt2..hee-
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