Sunday, July 29, 2012

BIGBANG Alive Tour Concert - Malaysia

How are you doin??-have you heard BIGBANG will make Alive Tour Concert for Asia countries??
-CORRECT!! they will do their Concert~~~ in MALAYSIA!! milkysmile YEAY!!
1stly..totally feel HAPPY!+EXCITED!+AWESOME!+DAEBAKK! milkysmile wanna cry~  milkysmile
- here share with you all :-
** Credit all to BB1st..thanks for the picture

WOAHH!!! to many VIP's there...can you see one of your picture there!?? milkysmile *sayangnya..saya tiada dalam tuh..cedeynya..huhuk T^T*

**Credit to all BB1st..thanks for the picture

**This 2 pictures from Fahrenheit 88,Kuala Lumpur.

Note: [INFO] 
ALL Cat 1 VIP tickets (RM688), Cat 2 tickets (RM588), Cat 3 (RM488) and Cat 4 tickets (RM388) are SOLD OUT. 

Cat 5, Cat 6, Cat 7 and Cat 8 (RM288, RM198, RM188 & RM98 are still AVAILABLE) - Via @RITSmy

I cannot expect that VIP in Malaysia totally awesome! BIGBANG really make our world "Fantastic BABY" hehe milkysmile
* I can't wait when the day will come and make our country "Fantastic DAEBAK concert ever"!!

- Hey guys, come share your story about it!! (see ya~)


Syoknye FINGO said...

bila diorang buat nie???

ai_jiejin said...

Date 28/8 - 29/8 ari tuh..huhuk XD